Restrictions to Usage of Royalty-Free Images

– You cannot share the image with other users or place on a network, intranet, or drive with shared access, nor transfer or gift the image to any third party.
– You cannot resell or redistribute the image as it is. You must use it as part of an integral design.
– You cannot use the image in pornographic or adult-related content or purposes, nor any other morally questionable uses.
– You cannot use images with models or properties in any defamatory way that means a negative connotation on the models or properties depicted in the image. This includes concepts on sexuality, gender, health, politics, and any other sensitive uses.
– You cannot use images with models or properties in a way that pretends that they are endorsing a product or service directly.
– You cannot use the image as part of a trademark, design mark or logo. This is because of legal impossibility: as you do not own the image, you cannot register any design containing it, as your own.

How You Can Use A Royalty-Free Images

Here’s a list of the do’s, or most popular and convenient uses of Royalty Free images:

• On websites, or web ads
• In online marketing campaigns
• On print ads, or print promotional content
• In covers (for books, ebooks, CDs, DVDs) and in editorial content. To do this you usually need an Extended license.
• As part of creative projects
• In your website template. But as part of the design and to visually enhance it, not in a way that suggests that the people in the photo are endorsing your product or service.
• In a footage or other multimedia productions. In some cases, you will need an Extended license for this.
In print banners and in-house designs for houses, working environments, commercial locations, etc.
In t-shirts, print designs and other products that you will then resell. In most cases to do this, you will need an “Extended License”.

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